Shaul Yehezkel, DMD, FAAPD
Trishia Johnson, DDS
Rachel Anderson, DMD
Call Us:
(949) 559-0674

If your child has experienced a traumatic event such as:

Please first consult with a physician or emergency department to rule out any medical concerns.

Tip # 1: Knocked Out Tooth – If your child’s adult tooth is completely knocked out of the socket, try to avoid touching the root and place it immediately back in the tooth socket. Gently bite on a clean washcloth to keep the tooth in position. If this is not possible, keep the tooth in a liquid (such as milk, saline, or saliva). Call our office immediately.

Tip #2: Chipped/Broken Tooth – Chipped/ Broken tooth:Rinse mouth with water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. For adult teeth, find and keep the tooth fragment in case it can be used. Call us for further assistance.

Tip #3: Dental Concussion – A tooth has been bumped and may or may not be loose. Oftentimes, the gums may bleed. Gently cleanse area with a cotton swab. Maintain good oral hygiene and a soft food diet. Contact our office for further assistance.

Tip #4: Wear a Mouthguard – If your child plays a sport, we recommend a mouthguard to reduce dental and facial injuries. We make custom fit mouthguards suited for your child’s needs.

We recommend to download ToothSOS, the official App created and launched by the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT). It provides information in the event of traumatic tooth injury. For patients, the App provides easy to understand emergency steps to take in all dental injuries. The immediate care provided at the site of injury can determine the survival of the injured tooth.

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    4902 Irvine Center Drive - Suite 111
    Irvine, CA 92604
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    (949) 559-0674

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